Chapter 1372 My Hot Lesbian Teacher:>>Ep17
- Michelle stirred in the bed, only to find that sometime during the morning her new lover Kim had already risen and was gone. Sliding out of the sheets, she stared in the mirror of the bedroom vanity. Her bronze naked form adorned only by the silver studded collar Susan had placed there the day before. As she studied the black collar, she noticed the red marks on her neck and breasts. It had been years since she had a "hickey" but there was no doubt about their origin. She remembered Susan sucking her neck while she was restrained.
- As she gently rubbed her neck, she heard voices emanating from down the hall. The unmistakable voices of her mistresses Lisa and Susan. She padded down the hallway, her bare feet on the soft plush carpeting. She was becoming accustomed to being nude as Lisa required of her new lesbian in training.
- The women were enjoying a cup of coffee at the dining room table when Michelle made her appearance. "Good morning sunshine," Lisa smiled.